Interview with Data Bene

Find out more about our sponsor Data Bene

Any views or opinions represented or expressed in this interview belong solely to the interviewee and do not necessarily represent those of the PostgreSQL Conference Europe 2024 organization, PostgreSQL Europe, or the wider PostgreSQL community, unless explicitly stated.

Why does your company attend PostgreSQL Conference Europe?

PostgreSQL Conference Europe is one of the largest and most popular events for Postgres users worldwide. Collaborative discussions occur here that drive the development of the PostgreSQL project. Our attendance and support for the conference are part of our commitment to advancing PostgreSQL's success by actively engaging in this key community event.

How does PostgreSQL help you bring value to your customers?

PostgreSQL is a powerful, reliable, and highly extensible database technology, making it ideal for a wide range of applications. Whether a customer needs to handle massive data at scale, ensure high availability, meet stringent security & compliance requirements, or manage specialized workloads like geospatial or vector data types, PostgreSQL can be easily tuned to meet these goals. Additionally, the open source PostgreSQL license itself is highly valued by customers.

Is one of your employees speaking at PostgreSQL Conference Europe? What is the talk about?

We actually have two employees speaking at the conference!

Andrea Cucciniello is giving the talk “Growing the PostgreSQL Community: My experience organising local events in different geographies” on Wednesday the 23rd. He’ll be pulling from the work he’s done in organising meetups everywhere from Australia and Spain, and discussing why user groups are important, how they make a difference and grow the PostgreSQL community and ecosystem, and why companies should care about user groups.

Additionally, Frederic Delacourt is providing a training session on Tuesday the 22nd regarding “Are you collecting the right metrics?” where he will discuss best practices in handling mandatory, important, and optional metrics at the system, application, and project level.

Where is the database world heading to, and how is PostgreSQL suited for this journey?

The database landscape is evolving rapidly, with many organizations needing to manage ever-increasing volumes of data, sometimes exceeding the petabyte scale. At the same time, newcomers like hobbyists, small businesses, and startups are embracing databases for the first time. PostgreSQL is well-positioned to meet both ends of this spectrum. As an open-source solution, it's accessible to anyone, while its scalability and flexibility make it ideal for managing data at any scale.

PostgreSQL's extensibility, change data capture (CDC) capabilities, and its compatibility with almost any tech stack further enhance its relevance in this shifting landscape. Additionally, users can leverage the robust community and third-party support for tailored assistance and services.

Which PostgreSQL extension do you benefit from most, and why?

We find Citus Data to be the most beneficial for us given the incredible distributed engine (planner/executor) it provides to PostgreSQL. It is a powerful extension that lets you deploy PostgreSQL in a distributed fashion in order to achieve optimized performance and high availability.

Join Us For PostgreSQL Conference Europe 2024

October 22–25 2024

Divani Caravel Hotel, Athens, Greece