Sponsor FAQ

All you need to know about sponsoring PGConf.EU

As a sponsor, are we able to purchase more attendee passes at a discounted rate? If yes, how many can we purchase and what is the discount?

You will be able to purchase any number of attendee passes as long as the event is not sold out. There is no discount offered beyond those free passes included.

What is the size of the desk?

The exact size of the desk hasn’t been set yet — we’ll do that closer to the event once we know how many sponsors we have.

Are we able to bring our own materials/equipment? E.g roll up banners or standalone TV screens?

Sponsors will be able to bring their own equipment, given that it fits the size defined in the sponsorship contract. For specifics, especially larger electronic devices (like screens) please let us know which equipment you plan to utilize.

Can you provide electrical equipment like large screens?

PostgreSQL Europe does not provide any equipment. The hotel will provide a power outlet for every table. The hotel may also require that some types of equipment is provided by their approved vendors. Please email us with the list of equipment or related questions well ahead and we are happy to ask the hotel for you.

Do speakers in the sponsor track have their own free ticket as well?

Speakers on the sponsor track do not get a free entrance off that, and will have to use one of the sponsor tickets. Speakers who also have a regular talk accepted will of course get a free ticket.

Do people only working at our booth also need a conference ticket?

Everyone attending the conference, including booth staff who aren’t attending the talks, must have a ticket.

How can we purchase tickets for our people at the booth?

Your sponsorship package has several free tickets included, these are usually used towards booth staff registration. You can of course buy additional tickets.

Would running a half or full day session come at a cost to us as sponsors?

On the contrary, we pay you! A portion of the training registration fees is given to the sponsor. The exact percentage is specified in the training contract (which is different from the main sponsorship contract). However, we do not cover any expenses the sponsor might have for providing the training apart from lunch for the trainer(s).

Do trainers get free entrance to the conference?

Yes, every trainer gets a free ticket, even if they don't have a talk at the actual conference.

How many trainers can we have for our training?

Two trainers at max, and both trainers need to be registered for the conference (as speakers).

Is PostgreSQL Europe or the PostgreSQL Conference insured?

PostgreSQL Europe holds insurance for all events.

How can the sponsorship fee be paid?

The available payment methods are listed on the payment page once you receive the invoice. Higher level sponsorships are normally paid by bank transfer (IBAN), lower level sponsorships by either bank transfer or credit card. We can make exceptions for paying higher level sponsorships with credit card if absolutely required, but prefer not to as it comes with significantly higher fees. Please contact us via e-mail if you wish to use this.

Can the governing law be changed?

We are bound by PostgreSQL Community guidelines to treat every sponsor equally. This means that all sponsors sign the same contract, under French governing law.

Where can we see the data protection regulation?

The Privacy Policy governing every of our events is available on the PostgreSQL Europe website. Outside of that, since PostgreSQL Europe and the event are both in Europe, we follow the European GDPR.

How many visitors do you expect?

We are currently estimating around 700-800 attendees for the conference. The venue has space for more, so we can always increase this number. If this happens we will communicate accordingly.

Do you offer lead scanning?

On-site sponsors (Platinum and Gold level) will receive instructions on how to use the attendee badge scanning feature.

Do attendees have the option to opt-out from badge scanning?

Attendees have the option to switch badge scanning on and off in their profile at any time.

What percentage of attendees opt out of badge scanning?

Since this can be changed in the attendee profile at any time, we don't have numbers on how many attendees opt out from scanning their badge. Historically, in the 2023 edition of the conference, about 15% of the attendees opted out.

What information is included about scanned badges?

Name and email address are always included. Company name and country are included if the attendee included it on their registration, but they are not mandatory to register, so all attendees don't provide them to us.

On average, how many leads did sponsors receive at the last in-person conference?

We do not look into the sponsor data for scanned badges, so we do not have this information.

What hours is the expo hall open?

There is no dedicated expo hall. The sponsor booths will be located in the general areas around the conference rooms and the coffee breaks. That means that the expo opens at around 8am every morning, and closes shortly after the conference. Please note that all staff members for your booth need to be registered and checked in.

What is the venue layout?

Tables for sponsors will be placed in cooperation with the hotel.

What will draw attendees into the expo hall?

We encourage sponsors to have an interesting desk setup, and get in touch with attendees during the conference. In addition there is the sponsor track for sponsor talks, and you can use your desk to make attendees aware of your talks in this track. We also encourage sponsors to plan their desk setup to make it attractive to attendees to make it easy to start conversations.

Do we get to choose our booth location?

No, the hotel provides locations for the sponsor tables in accordance with fire and safety regulations. The table for each sponsor will be assigned by PostgreSQL Europe.

When do you expect to sell out of Platinum and Gold?

Platinum and Gold levels, especially Platinum, often sell out very soon after opening. We do not have a projection exactly when, but since we are unable to provide any extra slots once sold out, we recommend that you sign up quickly if you are interested in one.

Can you hold a spot for us?

No, sorry. Spots are only reserved once the contract has been signed and countersigned.

Join Us For PostgreSQL Conference Europe 2024

October 22–25 2024

Divani Caravel Hotel, Athens, Greece